Dixon Lake Dottie dead?



Yeah I know it's old news by now to some of you but what do you think?


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I for one can say that because of her that the old George Perry record may be broken. Because of her genetics it will only be a matter of time. Before her, I had my doubts as to weather it would ever be broken. I am not saying the she was the only world record Bass swimming ,but she was a bonafide record if she had only been verified. Something that will carry over to her next generations.

Chimp Dancer2008-05-22T15:44:59Z

It's pretty sad to see Dottie dead now. I was really looking forward to see someone catch a new world record fish ( on paper). On the bright side, that lake now has hundreds if not thousands of future Dotties swimming around because of that single selfless act in which the fish was released filled with roe. I believe Dixon Lake will be the lake to watch over the coming years for record bass like Dottie.

The shop2008-05-22T01:24:46Z

I think it's a sad day in the world, my friend, as she was truly a legendary fish in her time and as the article stated, people came from all around to try and meet her with only a handful ever succeeding in actually getting the chance to say hello to "Her Majesty". The story is actually really similar to the fish, (I've been struggling with it but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the fish), That Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau were after in "Grumpy Old Men", only she was a catfish, but held the same stature as Dottie. I love the fact that Mike Winn released her in 2006 with that "FAT" ole sack of eggs, good man, great move, as the writer of the article put it best when closes by remembering........................

“Her progeny will live in that lake. The next record fish will come from here,” he said. “It could come tomorrow.”

R.I.P. Dottie You will be remembered by many


In one way its sad, i mean constantly being pursued by anglers just wanting to catch "that 25lb bass", maybe the fish is better off.


that's pretty sad, like chimp dancer said though at least her genetics were passed on.