Navy boot. Do they start physical activites off slow and move to difficult? Also when is the first PT test?

Just something i've been curious about. I leave in 2 weeks heh. I've read articles saying you have your first PT test about 4 weeks in, my recruiter said it was about 3 weeks in. BTW I know its not 'easy' I didn't mean it that way. But right off the bus do they assume you can already run a constant 20 minutes at a fast pace, or during the course of the first few weeks leading up to the first PT test do they start you off like you are a beginner and work you up to the appropriate fitness level? I'm fine for the pushups and situps, and I am working on the running every day (ran 2 miles yesterday throughout the day plus ran in place quite a bit and did about 200 four count jumping jacks.). My running is lacking though heh, about a 9 1/2 minute mile, just want to make sure they won't assume everyone can run the entire thing from the start. Wish me luck heh. Kinda weird i'm not worried about anything else in boot camp other than the running. Just dont want to be put in a pt fitness group.


Favorite Answer

If you are already running 2 mi/day, you will be fine. And to prevent injuries, they are now let you walk around in your gym shoes until week 6 (I believe). When I went through it, we had to wear boondocker since day one. They also let you sleep 2 more hours as well. If you don't like running, don't try for the EOD, SEAL, or SAR program, you will not last long.


Alt account. Ok thanks. And Glenn, there was no fitness test in the Navy here in the US. All I had to do was meet the height and weight requirements and complete the duck walk and other basic requirements to make sure all the limbs are working right heh.

Glenn G2008-05-22T10:07:52Z

they will ease ytou into it, they dont want you hurting yourself or other excersing you which might cause injury.

I am not too aware with the US, but over here in Australia they redo your basic fintess test entry he 2nd day you are there. If you passed it once i cant see why most cant pass it again.

Good lukc mate, 2 weeks will fly by.


All basics training programs lead you into it. It prevents injuries.