American Airlines is now charging vacation travelers for their baggage..?

While I don't agree with it, but I think the industry will change. If the airlines were to charge us based on weight X dollars per pound, our weight to include luggage, would you be willing to pay based on per pound?


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Yes, right now it is set at $15 piece. I do agree it is ridiculous and it will probably go higer with the increase of fuel prices. I would not be willing to pay based on price per pound...I'd be broke...I always carry way to much stuff...but then I also don't fly commercial!!!! I read it online this morning!!!!


sure I would. I am not over weight and I know how to pack to travel. If I travel on business the company pays so it works all the way around.
I travelled in Europe on Ryan Air and if you were two ounces over the weight limit - man you paid! Or took stuff out of your bags. People all over the Ryan Air area at the airport had open bags shifting stuff!


I think the airline should stay the same and not charge any fee for luggage.