Do "borderline" mentally retarded persons have a history of NOT listening to parents?

or obeying rules and/or attempting to prove that they are not "slow" by trying to be like a person of normal intelligence?

Cynthia LY2008-05-23T23:03:25Z

Favorite Answer

Their personalities are as different as the personalities in the general population are. Some mentally retarded people are easygoing, while others are impulsive or aggressive.

Some common behavioral traits associated with mental retardation, such as a low tolerance for frustration, do not appear with the criteria that must be present for diagnosis. Easily frustrated mentally retarded individuals sometimes become aggressive and may engage in self-injurious behavior. Not all mentally retarded individuals are easily frustrated, however. While some are impulsive, stubborn, and immature, others are passive and pleasant.


Yes it is very possible.