My other computer got a serious virus while I was browsing through websites to download (I was NOT looking at porn) and yep, i've learned my lesson now.
How could I get rid of the evil virus? I can't even get into the windows right now, so don't tell me to go into the internet and do virus scanners. I've tried rebooting it and reformating it, but with no luck. I think there is something wrong with the boot sector... Is my computer window XP dead???!!! I have a lot of files on there...>__<
PLZ help!!! ~thnx~
Favorite Answer
Hi. Looks like your computer is running with stupid six or eight-legged bugs!
These are the best antivirus and antispyware that i've ever had:
Avira AntiVir Personal Edition Classic (Free) (Avira is better than AVG, based on my experience. McAfee and Norton are the worst ones, so don't ever trust them)
Spyware Doctor Starter Edition (Free) (Spydoc is my lifesaver. when I had a horrible virus once, this one has been the only solution. Spyware Doctor is kinda system hog, though. Running it requires a lot of RAM and uses a big deal of resources on CPU. I suggest disabling it after every use)
and also Kaizer Virus Killer (download link somewhere below)
They are DOS-based applications, but worked very fine on my computer! Don't be afraid using DOS applications, just follow the instructions and everything will be fine. In the Kaizer Killer, all you have to do is to double-click the application and it automatically removes most viruses in a heartbeat. Just use them in Safe Mode (to start in Safe Mode, press F8 a couple of times before the boot logo appears, you will be prompted to select one of the Startup options, and choose Safe Mode)
The programs detected the viruses that has not been detected by the two GUI programs.
Use Mozilla Firefox as your default browser (because it's absolutely the best browser ever) and always remember to update Windows for system stability.
Now that you have learnt a lesson stop visiting restricted sites . Update your virus once done unplug internet and start scanning also delete files from "Temp" for this go to Start then Run type %temp% and delete all files and then scan your computer. Delete all virus from Quarantine. If still your having the same problem only option Format . Al d best
If it's the boot sector you're preettty much out of luck. The best thing you could try is to get a second hard drive, install your OS onto it, and try to access your old HDD to transfer your files over. But the only way to truly clean a virus of that caliber is to format it from the boot screen. Good luck.
Well sweety first of all, I hope you have an anti virus if not you can get one there's a bunch there are free, you can then get the spyware one really really good program is "search & destroy" run a full scan and quarantine and delete the virus. Well hope I could be help, if you have some other questions, contact me at