Shuttle service or other transportion so I don't have to bring a car seat?

I will need to get my family from the airport to the cruise harbor, and I'd really prefer not to bring the car seat if I can possibly get around it, although I will if I have to. Is there any shuttle service that provides them? Or do any seasoned traveler out there know a secret?

The cruise shuttle won't take us because our flight arrives ten minutes after their deadline, so I have to find some other way.


I mean, but we'll still in plenty of time to make the boat.


Favorite Answer

Never use a rented/borrowed car seat. Check out these horror stories, and they are common:

And you also don't want to take any kind of transportation where you can not use a car seat. Yes its a pain in the butt. But it means the difference between life and death of you child in an accident.


any shuttle service or other form of transpo if you ask should provide car seats by law atleast around here they have to