Epilepsy: Improper storage of Carbatrol?

Carbatrol has controlled my seizures for months now. This weekend, though, I had two. The only thing I can think of is that the medicine was accidentally left sitting on the stovetop which caused it to become warm. If this was the cause, my main question is: Does improper storage of Carbatrol cause it to be temporarily less effective and will improve once properly stored? Or, has the whole bottle been permanently rendered ineffective due to the heat? (not scorching hot, just warmed a little)


Favorite Answer

That is something you need to talk about with your doctor. I was on tegratol (not sure how to spell it sorry) for a long time, and my body would adjust to the dose I was taking and they had to increase it every so often. I would get blood tests about every other week to see how much was staying in my system....you might have to change your dose.....ORRRR it really could be that it got too hot and is not as effective anymore. But my best advice is to just call your doctor and ask him/her.


call your pharmacist and ask him?