Sending a cover letter...?

How do you send a cover letter when the job add only has a fax number and an ATTN: So-and-so. It doesn't mention the company or address. How do I format the letter?


Favorite Answer

This happens all the time. The only thing you can do is use what information you have as in:

Sales Position (whatever the job title is here)
Attn: so and so

Dear sir or madam,

I am responding to your ad for a salesperson. I have several years.....

Hope this helps.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or check out my blog at It's all free.


Hope this helps.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or check out my blog at It's all free.



Whenever I send a resume via email, I find it is best to type my cover letter as the body of the email. Your cover letter is your introduction to the HR person at the company, and to attach it and write a note of introduction in your email seems redundant. In addition, if anything should go wrong and your attachments fail to upload, the person to whom you are sending the email may disregard your resume altogether! Good luck in your job hunt!


You would make it like a fax cover sheet.
Your name

company name
Fax #

To whom it may concern,