I can see how the wings on birds have evolved and I can see how the wings on airplanes have evolved. An airplane wing is designed for flight and seems to be an intelligent design and the same could be said for a bird's wing. If a bird's wing is not intelligently designed, then it doesn't seem to follow that an airplane wing would be either, especially since they both have the same purpose. A strand of DNA contains vast amounts of information and so do computers, they both seem to evolve as well. How can one be intelligently designed and the other, not? Aren't they both intelligently designed, or would it be that neither of them is intelligently designed? I'm not trying to prove or disprove the existence of God here, but that perhaps the theories of evolution and intelligent design aren't necessarily incompatible.
How can people say that computers and airplanes don't evolve? New models come out every year. I'm not talking about God, I'm talking about form following function. I'm not mixing apples with oranges, I'm comparing one wing with another wing. You could say that a penguin uses his wings for swimming, but I can show you wings on a submarine or a torpedo too.
To answer, simple: evolution. Creationism and Intelligent Design have no argument other than "God did it". The vast majority of creationists spend their time trying to disprove or discredit evolution rather than building a scientific case for their beliefs. "First I want to say this: that even most scientists will admit "that evolution is a theory, not a fact. Why? because it has not been proven." Actually, evolution itself is an confirmed, observable fact. The theory aspect of it is how it operated. "The Second Law of Thermodynamics/The Law of Entropy states that everything tends toward disorder. This is a law that Scientists discovered and know to be true." Yes, that holds in a closed system. The Earth is not a closed system, and it has an huge external power generator. "Also, if evolution is true, where did the first cell come from? Not to mention, the earth, the sun, our entire solar system, the Milky Way Galexy, and the universe as a whole. I somehow doubt that the big bang could create all of that by chance. And even if it did, what/who caused the big bang? These are all questions that evolutionist scientists can't answer. I find these questions to be to big for me to believe these scientists. There are, however, Scientists that believe in ID and they can answer all of these questions." The theory of evolution does not make statements of either the origins of life or the origin of the universe. Those would abiogenesis and the Big Bang theory. "I honestly believe that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than intelligent design." No it doesn't. The evidence for evolution is well documented around the world. You only need to look it up. The "evidence" for Creationism is the Bible and appeal to emotion argument of "look around you, it's evident". "People say that the similarities in different animals are reason to believe in evolution. But if their was an intelligent designer of the world, it would make sense that they would use some of the same types of designs in different animals." Irrelevant "If you look at how buildings and bridges are made, they both have similar things in them. They often are both made with triangles. Why? because they help strengthen the structure. They also both use similar metals and other materials because they work well. Why would an intelligent designer not use the same principle when creating all the different animals in the world?" Why do humans have a vestigial organ that pretty much gets infected and can kill you? Why do our eyes have a blind spot on them due to our blood veins being backwards, when squids have perfect vision? Why do we have little toes? Why are some human babies born without faces? (Treacher Collins Syndrome) Why are some human babies born with tail bones? Why do whales have small leg bones?
you are rattling and comparing something that is even a theory with an established therory. Actually intelligent design might have been at some beginning point but then evolution took over and finished the job. The only possible way you can use intelligent design is to start the life on this planet and it is probably the wrong answer anyway and you would be shotting down the first Chapter in the Bible if you use the intelligent design argument. Evolution is change over time and it is how things on this planet that now exist have come from lesser or earlier life forms. Whether the first were of any intelligent design is rather inmaterial anyway because it can not be proven because we can not go back in time 2 billion years.
Sounds like you understand intelligent design, but it seems like you do not understand evolution.
First consider the components that an airplane wing are made of (metal, plastic, rubber, etc.) then consider what a bird's wing is made of (organic matter, chemicals, and DNA).
metal, plastic, and rubber do not have the capability of combining or developing complex structures on their own (physics and chemistry do not allow it). As such any complex item made from metal, plastic, etc. MUST have been intelligently designed.
DNA on the other hand is a molecule. Molecules can freely combine and transform with surrounding molecules. Physics allows for organic matter to absorb and metabolize other compounds thereby changing their structure.
Evolution only applies to biologic matter and DNA: any natural compound capable of metabolizing surrounding chemicals, changing its structure and passing those changes on to future generations through reproduction. Wood, metal, plastic do not have those capabilities which is why we will never see a computer or airplane evolve.
An airplane wing isn't alive. There is absolutely no evidence that anything was designed if it's alive. There are a ton of fossils that show a clear progression to feathers and wings and there is no magic required for it.
Not a single paper has passed peer review indicating that there was intelligence behind any of this. All it is, is wild conjecture based on nothing but Bronze Age myths.