When is contact ok after cold sores?

I just had my first cold sores ever and after a week they're finally going away and are mostly just red spots that crack and bleed every so often at this point. When would it be ok for me to have close contact with someone and not risk spreading it?


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You need to leave it AT LEAST five days after the sore has completely healed up and left unbroken skin - preferably a week. Up until then, you are still likely to be infectious (as you are for the days before you get one - especially once you have felt the waring signs like a tingle).

Just remember that there is still a risk of spreading it even when you do not have one - my boyfriend, who gets cold sores, gave me genital herpes through giving me oral sex when he was in between cold sores and we thought it was safe. You are actually infectious around 10% of the time when you have no sore. Most people don't care for kissing, but just be aware of it if you ever give anyone oral sex - oral sex causes more genital herpes infections than intercourse these days.
