What is the name of your home town lesbian/gay paper?

And what's it like? I'm a free lance writer trying to expand my base. Thanks!


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Watermark. It's pretty good. I haven't read it in awhile but I know you can get it at any gay club or at the local colleges!


The Advocate, the Washington Blade, Gay and Lesbian News, they are all "hometown" papers. Anywhere there is a gay or lesbian being mistreated or celebrated, that's my hometown.


Home town? There wasn't one. Even around here, I don't think there's one....I'm sure there is somewhere, but it's not distributed anywhere...why don't gay and lesbian newspapers have free paper stalls outside of metro stations...


LOL, I don't remember the name of it, but it gets delivered to my mom's house due to an address change, and now she's afraid the mailman thinks she's a lesbian.

D J2008-06-03T16:14:15Z

i think there's one called xtra. visit their website for more info.

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