Why don't more people see the wisdom of Ron Paul?

Has he not done a good job not getting his message out or do people just not like his message of a small Constitutional govt?


If you don't like RP I'd love to know why...and "idiot" doesn't cut it! Let me help you..."Using the Constitution is foolish because...."


The 16th Ammendment did not give new powers to tax...Labor is not taxable! If I paint someone's house and they give me a groceries do I have to send them an egg and some cheese? Its a trade...just like labor for money...that is not "income" like a stock sale.


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he lacked the money to get his message out, and he doesnt pander enough to those who feed of govt.


What wisdom? Ron Paul evidently has not heard of the 16th Amendment or Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. If he is the strict constitutionalists that he claims to be, he would support the entire Constitution, not just vague clauses like issuing letters of marque and reprisal.

I know that I will get several thumbs down for my answer; I just wish that Ron Paul supporters will actually read the entire Constitution and not just believe whatever he tells them.

>Labor is not taxable, but income is. How many professional painters would get paid in groceries? Please use some common sense.
BTW. The 16th Amendment granted Congress the power to lay taxes on income without having to pass a specific law in every congressional session, like they had to do during the American Civil War.


No he has not gotten the message out well and his supporters, well, some of them just make it difficult to take him seriously. Oddly, his small non-centralized philosophy is what has led to his campaign not making it the main stream public.

Mr. Me2008-06-05T19:43:26Z

I'm afraid that only the aliens, who probed him even understand his thoughts, and even they don't agree with them... :)

The terms wisdom and Ron Paul are diametrically opposed.


Who is Ron Paul?
Didn't he run for dogcatcher in Minnesota?

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