What does anyone think of this game.?

I made this game and wanted to know how people like it.
I've made some updates since I first put it on Newgrounds.



Favorite Answer

cool. a simple physics game... wee did games like this in a computer programn class at school. game was fun the main menu was alittle dark.? and y did lvl 1 only allow you to submit scores? the controls took some time to get used too but over all it is a fun game and i will def continue plyn it. also there is a noticable difficulty change from lvl 2 and 3...
good jobe. oh and also on lvl three the bar think kinda fd with eyes... and would bee cool if had some back grounds

DAVY O2008-06-05T21:17:00Z

Can be an addictive game and is a very good concept of controlling the level other than just controlling the character(sprite) but you need to work out the glitches as the ball got stuck in the wall at level 3 and was unable to complete the level.

mr. grape2008-06-05T21:09:26Z

it's alright. first you might wanna fix the bugs, such as the ball getting stuck in walls.second, you might want to add more complexity to the levels. it was semi-enjoyable until my ball got stuck in a wall, lol. i'd give it a 5/10, good concept and it seems that effort was put into it. good luck on fixing the bugs, and hope other people appreciate your game.


Its pretty good!

I've used flash to make games before and I know how difficult it is to get all the actionscript in there.

Nice job!


well i think its pretty cool the graphics are alright now u need 2 get working on the second one!!! : }

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