Pagans, please share your inspiring conversion stories!?
Today on the radio I heard a man tell of how a hardened criminal came to his faith, and he provided that as proof of his religion, since it had a transforming effect on that man's life.
My faith, pantheism, didn't just transform my life, it saved it! And I am sure many other pagans have inspiring conversion stories as well.
If that is what passes as proof of may help some others here to read about them.
I didn't really convert was more like dropping the pretense of trying to practice another faith and instead practicing what I always believed, knew and felt deep down inside.
That act really did save my life, because I had gotten to a point of not wanting to live anymore, and was in deep crisis. When I began to live what I believed, I came to understand and experience things in a deeper, more real way. I realized I had been holding all of life at arm's length before that, trying to make it fit a pattern, rather than letting it be what it was, and I finally began to know and practice true worship and authentic gratitude and awe.
so, the result was dramatic, but the "conversion" was more of a waking up and releasing myself from a cage of pretense.
To outsiders, it looked like a conversion, that took place over a period of several years as I found my feet and developed my practice as a pagan.