Party Invitation?

So my friend is moving and my other friend is throwing her a going away party. I found out about the party a few days ago from another friend, and yesterday the person throwing the party asked if she gave me an invitation yet and so I said no. Then she told me she'd give it to me today, and she didn't give me an invitation or mention. I'm talking to her online now and was just curious whether people think I should ask her or give her a few more days to try to remember.


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Ask her about it! And even if she doesnt give you one then just show up if she said she was going to give you one anyways. But dont be scared to ask. I mean if you really want to go to the party.


if she brought it up the first time, ask her.
just say something like I was curious about the time and date of the party, so I can plan it in my schedule. also offer to help, order a cake, bring balloons... then you are also being helpful as well.


ask... she may just be forgetful