A Song by Earth, Wind, & Fire...please help?

There is a song by Earth, Wind, & Fire called Would You Mind. I really love that song, but I am trying to find the LIVE version that Steve Harvey plays on his radio morning show all the time. I have searched iTUNES, Amazon, and other various sites. Can someone help me, please?

fred p2008-06-05T20:15:03Z

Favorite Answer

You could try calling the program director at the radio station or contact Steve's site directly. support@steveharvey.com


the unique components suite: Mrs O'Leary's Cow (for hearth) In Blue Hawaii (for Water) Wind Chimes (for Wind) Vega-Tables (for Earth) Which we will all have the means to pay attention in it incredibly is stable & entire style (finally!!!!!) while they launch the unique sea coast Boys' SMiLE sessions after 40 4 years!!!!!! Yeah, i'm possibly way too excited, lol different than the SMiLE i might %. After the hearth Is long previous - Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty Rhythm of the Rain - The Cascades The Wayward Wind - Patsy Cline You introduced Me all the way down to Earth - Hank Williams Jr