Romans14:14,14;1Cor.8:13 Christian charity?

Rom.14:14,'I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved witih thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.' 1Cor.8,'Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.' and in 1Cor.10:32,'Give none offence neither to the jews, nor to ..etc" If a Jew has made a vow to be obedient to God's laws, in this case the dietary laws, it doesn't seem like it would be charitable to tell them that these laws are done away with. It sounds like Paul is saying that it would be better to keep the dietary laws so that, as he says in verse 33,'they may be saved'. This could be applicable to Sabbath obsevance as well, since it isn't as important to chrisians as it is to Jews what day is observed. Is Paul suggesting we take the high road?


I understand the context, I'm applying tha underlying principle to this situation.


Favorite Answer

The whole lesson to be learned is that our liberty in Christ is to be constrained by those weaker in the faith. We are at liberty in these things, but we should not do ANYTHING that would offend our Christian brothers. Love trumps liberty.


I to believe that we are free from the bondage and from the hostage of the Law, but we must not use our liberty to sin, and the law still stands today, and is there to make us know what sin is? Once we know what sin is we must try our very best to keep it and ask Yeshua to help us keep it, because the Law gives us health and it nourishes our spirit. If I break the law I am under His mercy to come back again and again until I am deliver by much prayer and fasting or getting a total deliverance from the Almighty Yahweh Himself. But I must struggle to keep away from the sin that holds me hostage. About the eating food’s is the same way, it is for our own health that the Bible teaches us not to eat certain foods. About the 5 laws well does that mean we can commit murder no! Well than all of Yahweh's 10 Laws still stand except all the ones the Jews added into the Talmud which were extras; and Jesus Broke the added ones, but he kept the 10 commandments. I hope this makes sence to you? Jesus and Paul asked us to be followers of them and they both fallow the perfect Law of Yahweh. That means we must fallow the Law as He writes it in our hearts and minds. Jesus made it even more penetrating when He said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery. Now where does this lead us to always be dependent upon His grace and mercy? How I love His word it brings life to the hearer and to Anna. Amen


Paul is absolutely right in Jesus. We have freedom and all things we pray over are blessed to eat in Jesus.
Yet, To the Messianic Jewish person if they desire to keep the law to win the lost Jewish people (that Paul say he would be willing to go to hell to see them won to Messiah Jesus=Romans 9&10th chapters)
for Jews in Jesus it is their choice too. Freedom to choose.

yet Romans 9-11 teaches that the gentile in Jesus is to provoke the Jew to jealousy by their life in Messiah Jesus.

Acts gives the 5 laws in Jesus for those under grace, i.e. for example, do not fornicate, eat food offered to idols etc.

Jesus brings freedom

Yes and yes he loves each one of us unconditionally.

we are advanced because of Jesus our savior and best friend.

Paul and other believers in Jesus didnt come up with the idea that millions of molecules came together by accident to make the first life form with perfect reproduction and digesitive system, needing other life forms to digest, and a perfect dna only to reproduce itself and became alive, but?? a spark? and a billion accidents later turned into you and me, what a comedy!

most of the greatest scientists to date have been strong Christians, Also most every president of the USA are they part of your murder team too? how about some reality please.
Creation scientists do great today winning debate after debate with the Athiest ebolutionists and their hypothisis, and many other scientists in many fields believe in Jesus too.

Jesus says to love your enemies, even if one wanted to kill you.

David in Jesus amazing grace John chapters 3 & 10, and thanks for your question too.


The 'meat' is the meat sacrificed to idols......please re-read the verses in this context

Cheryl E2008-06-06T02:49:05Z

So you worship Paul and everything he says is gospel, or what? I thought the religion was "Christianity," not "Paulianity."