Is a homosexual free to marry any consenting, unmarried, adult nonrelative of the opposite sex?

If so, how do you evaluate the claim that homosexuals are denied the right to marry?


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Yes. Apparently most of your respondents misread your question.

In point of fact, an unmarried homosexual is free to marry one consenting, unmarried, adult nonrelative of the opposite sex, just like anyone else.

This means that homosexuals are NOT denied the right to marry. They face the same limitations on marriage partners everyone else faces.

Apparently the four California justices who overturned the decision of 4.6 million California voters didn't bother to check to see if homosexuals already had the exact same right to marry as heterosexuals before radically changing the word "marriage" to include nonmarriage.



If you call living closely with someone that does not "Float your boat" using a freedom; perhaps you are correct.
The fact is if you are not a heterosexual married couple in the US; you are denied certain tax breaks and incentives based on the assumption that there are only two types of people in this country.
Since we know through medical proof that there are many different peoples here; gays, lesbians bisexuals, males, and females, and natural eunuchs all proven through research; then the laws need to be changed to accommodate all.
"self-evident that all men are created equal" should be followed with legal definition, not religious zeal to prevent justification through proven medical fact from getting our just due.
Or you can take the marriage tax breaks away. We are over-populated anyway, so where is the incentive to have a family?


Semantics coming from a Christian.

How typical.

Let me guess, you believe the earth is flat, the world is 6k years old, Santa Claus exists, the solar system is geocentric and a whole laundry list of other absurd nonsense.

You believe all that crap, yet you have the gall to presume to decide how other people should live their lives?

Grow up.


They are denied the right to marry the person they love and want to marry.


They are denied the right to marry the one they love. Why can't two humans marry each other? Good grief they're the same species. Why should their gender matter?

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