If you were going to run for president, who would you want your VP to be?


Favorite Answer

Hugh Hefner. He's so cool.


Honey the individuals working for place of work ARE knowledgeable.so a ways as being puppets ALL politicians are puppets.it isn't the president who runs each little thing with none consent from every physique one any time. that's the reason we've congress and senate to verify the president isn't a dictator. The president can do not something without senate and congress' approval first by means of two/third's majority vote. because of the fact of this some charges are killed and others are surpassed, in spite of if the president would not like it.they might even over holiday his veto. elect substitute?do away with all the incumbents in congress and senate who've been there greater beneficial than 2 words and you will see a metamorphosis then.

The Cat2008-06-06T11:02:56Z

<<<---- The Cat IS running for President, as a write-in candidate under the Green party. He is still undecided on his running mate, but Wonder Cat comes to mind.
Vote for Leopold Aslan for President! His nickname is Pode, so the signs will read "Pode For President"
It has a certain ring to it.

♥~Angel Eyes~♥2008-06-06T10:45:21Z

Gene Simmons


Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles, he wears a purple robe for pete's sake.

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