Where can I learn Chinese Sign language online?

My daughter is Deaf and Chinese and we're planning a trip back to China sometime in the next year or so. One of the things we want to do is visit the Deaf School in Beijing but we'd like to learn some CSL before we go.
Any websites or sources for materials would be great.


Sign language is no more universal than any spoken language. CSL is completely different than other sign languages.
Thanks anyhow


I should add that I don't understand written or spoken Chinese. There are a couple of websites that look great, I just wouldn't know what I was saying, lol!


Favorite Answer

Yeah, a lot of people think it's universal, which is weird because languages are very different. Anyway, Chinese Sign Language is pretty recent to China. It's not that the language (signed) is difficult to learn, but it's a while lot easier if you know Chinese. Try amazon for a book or video. It, like any signed language, is very hard to learn from a book!

But, you can do it. It's not even supposed to be the most difficult sign language to learn.

Good luck!


These days you can learn how to speak Chinese over the internet. Check out this online course, it's voted as the best Chinese online course of all time: http://www.rocketlearner.com/chinese The course is very easy to follow, I was able to learn Chinese in just 3 months.

I live in New York City, I wanted to go to a Chinese language teacher but that would have cost me over $800 per month. Good thing with this internet, $800 it's a lot of money for me.


If you are interested in Chinese, I suggest you check this website http://www.hellomandarin.com/ There, You will be able to learn Chinese face to face with Beijing teachers and practice with volunteers, which makes it easier and faster to learn Chinese. I hope you make progress everyday in learn Chinese.


woah, i actually thought sign language was universal as well, but i did some research and i learned something new ^-^.
If you type in "learn chinese sign language" on youtube you have a couple videos of people, i'm not sure if they're any good but you can try; http://youtube.com/results?search_query=learn+chinese+sign+language&search_type=&aq=f

hope it helps a bit =)



This is a Chinese video website. You can find a whole CSL video tutorial in the above page. However, the tutorial was in Chinese. You would have a hard time if you do not have abundant knowledge of Chinese.

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