How do I get my puppy to like his leash??

I put his leash on and he won't move. I don't want to pull on it because I don't want to hurt him. I know once he understands he will like it but for now he bites it and won't move. HELP!!

Lysandra R2008-06-06T17:52:53Z

Favorite Answer

What breed is your dog? All dogs are like that. They have never been on a leash. All you have to do is...put it on the pup, carry a bag of treat and show it to the dog. donot give it to the dog until its starts to follow the bag of treats. If that trick dosn't work then try to call its name, say, here boy/girl! Trust me I have a Alaskan Husky and I know what it feels like. i hope it works! GOOD LUCK!


Instead of introducing him to his leash right before a walk, hold it in your hand as your offer a treat or new toy. Do this until he is comfortable around it. Then put it on and give him a treat (if he doesn't bite it). After he eats the treat, take the leash off. After doing this several times, put on the leash and let him run around the house with it on (don't hold it). Tak eit off in 10 minutes. After doing this several times, put on the leash. Have someone else stand 5 feet away, holding a treat. Walk him over without pulling and without letting him drag you. Then take off the leash. When he does this from 30 feet away (this will take a few tries), walk him around the house and reward him with a treat. When he does this, take him on walks around the yard, giving him treats every now and then. Gradually move to short walks down the street, then lengthen the walks as time passes.

The treats you offer him should be no bigger than your thumb nail

The One2008-06-06T16:56:59Z

Take him on lots of fun walks and he will soon know that when you grab the leash, he will be going on a walk. In no time, once you get the leash, he will run to the door and almost beg you to put his leash on.......


Put his leash on when he is doing stuff he likes (eating or going for walks, etc.)

Philkillens Lover.2008-06-06T16:56:24Z

Put his Lead on, then Encourage him to come to you.
Give him a Treat when he does.

He will Soon Move for a Treat.

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