I'm about to get 4 white gerbils from my friend who breeds them in about three weeks. I need ideas for names! i already know it will be hard to tell them apart, but my friend said each of their tails have a different shade of kind of greyish and tan. so, any name ideas??
OH YEA!!! they're all girls!
Favorite Answer
here are some: Ace Angel Anna Arianna Aspen Aunt Baby Beebo Big Sister Bijou Blackie Blinker Blondie Blond Mother Blue Blue Blinker Bo Bonkers Boo Bradly Brisby Bubbles Buck Bumper Butter Chad Chandler Chaos Charlie Goll Rudolf Chasey Cheech n' Chong Cheesel Chico Chunks Cleopatra Coda Cody Cookie Cosmo (nickname Cosy) Crush Cuddles Cupcake Daisy Dan n' Norm Dante Daryl Dash DG (short for Darn Gerbil) Digger Dixie Doug Dumbbell Dusty Rose Ebony Elmo Elwood Fagan Faye Valentine (aka Cowboy Bebop) Fidget Fizz Frisky Frodo Froth Gerbily Gilbert Ginger Gizmo Goldie Gonzo Gracie Groucho Gummo Gus Hamtaro Hank Hannah Hardy Harpo Hazel Helen Henry Herb Hershey Hopper Hypollita Incubus (Inky for short) Indica Isis (Icey) Ivory Jack Jade James Wolly Snowking Jeremy Jerry Joey Fenthick Jumper Juniper Juno Kylie Larry Laurel Lemmiwinks Lilo Lily Liquorice Lisa Simpson Little Gimpy NoFoot Little Gray Lucius Luck Lucy Lydia Mac -n- Cheese Madelaine Mama Maryjane Max Maxie Maxine (Max for short) Mayla MayMay Meg Me-Mo Meri Merry Messier Mia Midnight Millie Minnie Molly Moritz Morrison Jr. Mr. Nibs Mrs Magnolia Mrs. Teasdale Murphy Nadine Nephertiti (Neph) Nibbles Nibblers Nutmeg Olli Oreo Padfoot Panda Pandora Patrick Pauline Peach-O Peanut Pepper Pickles Pinky Piper Pippin Pipsqueak Pixie Powder Puff Precious Prongs Pudding Quartz Quiver Rae Ralphie Rascal Razzie Razzle Razzle-Tazzle Rev Norb (Norby( Rikki Rose Ruby Ryder Sadie Sally Salt Sam Sammie Sandy Saydie Scamper Scooby Doo Scooter Scratch Shake Shayla Shearer Sherbert Silver Skeeter Smoky Smudge Sneaky Pete Spartacus Speedy Spice Spike Spike Spiegal (aka Cowboy Bebop) Squeaky Squirt Stitch Stuart Sugar Suger Tai The Brain Thumper Tigger Tom Topaz Toxic Trembles Tubby Tucker Tudball Tuts Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum Vincent Waffles Walnut William Wallace Willie Wizzy Woody Wozza Yugi Zen Zeppo Zero Zippy Zoe Zoe-Zo Zooter Zzo