Their is a birds nest above my window. It had 6 birds...sadly 2 had fallen from the nest and died so theirs three left. We kept putting the baby birds back in the nest because they kept falling. Well, my mom found out that nest was falling apart so and that was why the birds were falling. So she put a piece of cloth around the area that was falling apart. Well, I haven't seen the mom since, and its like 10pm. I know she sits on her nest at night but I'm scared that because my mom put the cloth the mom wont come back. Their was alot of noise and walking in and out of my house which probably kept the mom away, but because we added the cloth to some of the nest will the mom come back?
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Do not listen to all the uneducated people telling yout the mother will not come back because it has been touched by you. Birds have a poorly developed sense of smell and will not abandon due to this..a compelte old wives tale! The bird should not have any problem with you touching the nest or chicks. The cloth itself might be the problem..if it is a bright color? White or red? Try using something that is a drab color and does not stand out much. You are also right..that all the activity around the nest could have kept her from coming back as well. You can watch the nest from afar to see if she is still coming to feed. You must watch continually though as visits to the nest can be quick, and infrequent. Once the chicks reach a certain age..the parents will no longer sit on them all night unless the weather gets bad. If the nest compeltely falls apart, you can put the whole thing in a basket with a handle and tie the nest where it was originally. If you are POSITIVE the mother has can get the birds to a local wildlife rehab:
The mother bird will probably come back when she hears her babies calling for food. Birds can not smell humans on their babies so don't worry about that. It could be the cloth and she doesn't recognise the nest now, but her babies will call her. Just stay away from the nest as much as possible as she would see you as a predator. Hope things work out.
the mummy fowl will extremely many times come back even as she hears her little ones calling for foodstuff. Birds won't be able to scent people on their little ones so do not hassle about that. it will be the textile and he or she does no longer comprehend the nest now, in spite of the undeniable fact that her little ones will call her. basically steer clean of the nest as a lot as achieveable as she would see you as a predator. wish concerns workout.
She likely will. A mothers bond is strong in many species. She may return when things are quiet. It depends on how much she got scared of the noise or perhaps she's scared of the cloth itself. The more human interferance there is, the likelyhood of her return is very slim. If she doesn't return, unfortunatly there is little you can do...
The human scent on a baby bird isent it. Birds have a poor sense of smell. Maybe she got killed? If you have falcons or cats where you live...she could of got caught by them. =\