Should Trini seek to join the new South American union?

Wait tell me what allyuh think about this idea.

The state of how some things in T&T heading been getting me real sad over the last few years... As a nation I think we should be looking at where we want to be. I talking even beyond Vision 2020 (reaching first world/developed world status.) And beyond de oil and so-on. I mean it will run out one day eventually. I'm of the opinion we need to start putting down new infrastructure and forming a strategic plan for the future to pay us dividends then as a nation.

I noticing this plan of uniting South America in an ambitious union. Shouldn't T&T be getting on board this now? So that when South America begins to come together in a few years we can begin to tap those ties? I mean T&T is blessed by its location (only 7 miles from Venezuela) next-to one of the largest (soon-to be) economic unions in the world. This is a huge oportunity also to get S. America to back T&T has the HQ for the Free Trade Area of the Americas.


To tap this, I propose since we are looking at all these gas pipelines and thing going up the Caribbean islands, we also should look at building a ~4 lane toll-bridge to Venezuela to link Trinidad and Tobago permanently to the Continental Americas. This will allow T&T to cheaply move goods from Trinidad and Tobago right into South America by road... Since the Bridge wont be built overnight I propose we start to look at it now so that future generations can gain from it. By the time the road is finished the South American union should be swinging... Hugo Chavez, whom we sometimes fear because of his mood swings and a presumption he wants to invade the Caribbean will likely be out of power by then. With RBTT moving out of Trinidadian hands as did for example DirecTV (Latin America) having done the same a few years back from CCN T&T needs to lay the ground work for the future of new- business in T&T now if we're to have a future. I think a S. American union tie up would be good for T&T.


P.S. I'm not anti CARICOM... But CARICOM only have like 15 million people total... (With over 8 Million of that belonging to Haiti alone.) Brazil on the other hand alone has like 180 million people, Venezuela has over 20 million... We need to be looking also at business ties outside of CARICOM.


lol @ Trinisoccer... Good one nuh..... lol
But check it de technology is out dey already.

This is the 2nd longest causeway bridge in the world. (22 miles) It took 5 years to build even if we let Manning design it he should be done in 10??? haha


The Union of South American Nations (USAN) as it is called, already contains the CARICOM member nations of Guyana and Suriname. So CARICOM may lose them to the South American union.

To: Don, son of Shakka, It seems like there is this growing power and influence that is budding just 8 miles to the south and west of we. I think we should try to see how we could make it work for we along with the U.S.... Don't forget we nearly lost TCL to CEMEX(Mexico) a few years back. We need to look at expanding ourselves too.

In terms of stores and such. Great idea. That bridge I listed above has something like that.
This link below has photos of the "Service island" on that bridge where people can shop and make a rest stop.


I completely agree UNC... My thought, is having a direct link to South America and the rest of the Americas in general could become a boom firstly for truckers in Trinidad. In being able to directly ship goods to the mainland. The span would need facilities to conduct thorough customs searches since it goes w/o saying we wouldn't want bad elements using it for their betterment. I completely agree with the need to research if the potential is there for T&T to increase their exports as well through this. I feel the potential could be there to make T&T a much larger nexus between Latin America/South America and the CARICOM region as well.

Not to mention the ability to make full use of the infrastructure that has already been put in place in T&T like Piarco which could be a bridge between land trade with S. America and on-going air-based trade to the rest of the other Caribbean islands. Also we should be cognisant that while opportunities may not exist now, they might in future.


Favorite Answer

before joining any, free trade zone or union, one must know what kind of arrangements you are entering,

It is a union of governance or trade.

I do not see any future in a union of Governance,
and as far as trade, we must determine if we have the potential to export more and we import from these partners in the union.


Wonderful idea for the Caribbean, that bridge could also be a tourist attraction, with rest areas and stores that provides authentic Caribbean and Latin American cuisines. However it would have to be heavily guarded, as it will not be a hit with the American government, but the will of the Caribbean must be upheld and supported by everyone. A South American Union must be a way forward as we can and will and must sustain ourselves.
One Love.


Good question man, but do we have the will power to do this as a people.


I thought drinking Barbash (sp) was illegal?!
Yeah, yeah it could be done but the powers that be would not allow that (I aint talking 'bout T&T or Venezuala Governments. Hint, hint)