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woah calm down...its just hollywood
me, myself, and I
Yeah I know. I think Spike Lee was a bit too far towards Eatwood. Do you think Eastwood is a racist for not depicting black soldiers/marines in his Iwo Jima movies? Oh c'mon, he was just trying to make the story accurate according to the history. The movie would've been far-fetched from the truth if he made it like Lee's wish. Why does everything have to be based on the race card? God, this whole "racism" accusation thing is just too over the top. And racism itself is just sooo..... yesterday. Wake up, people, it's already 2008 now.
He's in the same situation as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton:
They make their living on racism.
If they can't exploit the feeling that 'whitie's got it out for us" then they're out of work, so they use every chance to do that.
He's a talented guy, but this has worn really thin. I'd watch his movies, if it weren't for the fact that I KNOW I'm going to get preached at either directly, or indirectly, for supposedly being evil, just because my skin's white.
Hey Spike, guess what? 80% of all whites in the US came here AFTER slavery ended, OK?
So get off it already. I didn't do it.
My ancestors didn't do it.
Sharon Stone?
Spike Lee films suck.