Does the Cat Food add on here bug anyone else?

The stupid thing pops up everytime I try to read a question...grrrr


It just did it again when I previewed my question!!!!!


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No it does it every dang time, wish someone would give the cat a butterfly net so we could answer without having to click off of it and come back in........

I have found if you double click to the blank space on the right side of your screen, it will pop up another screen and just x out of it, and it goes away..and yes it bugs the heck out of me..

yes on every question...


LOL... I thought I was the only one having this problem!!!
It drives me INSANE!!! I always have to refresh the darn page if I want to continue viewing a question!

And it isn't a pop up ad for you lucky ones that haven't seen it... It's one of those roll over ads that if you accidentally have your mouse over it for 0.00000001 of a second, it rolls across the screen and stays there, smack dab across the question!!!

ADD: I have found that if you refresh the page, and avoid rolling over the right side of your screen, it generally won't show up again. (Until you go on to your next question, that is!)


Yes, it's very annoying and I don't know why they continue to let it happen. It never was like that before until about a week ago. I'm with you it's annoying to the point of not coming to the site until they change advertisements.


Omg yeah! It ticks me, but the add is way over to the left side and i cant do any thing about it! Even if i right click it and go to settings, i still cant see the options and i cant move the box... gawd!!!!!

Amanda H2008-06-10T22:02:52Z

I guess I'm lucky b/c I haven't really had a problem w/it. One time the butterflies came across the screen. I use firefox, maybe that helps.

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