me and my ex gf...?

we were together for 4 years, and last night we had a massive blow out arguement. alot of things were said, hurtful and stupid i guess on both our accounts..

shes my first love, and im hers, its such a hard situation but i dont know whether to bother to keep talking to her, or just to cut her out of my life completely

a very big chunk of me hates her, and another part of me cant come to cutting her out of my life for good... but i think thats what may be best for the both of us, even though it'll hurt..

help me?


sh*t forgot to add, we've been broken up for a year, shes got a new gf as do i..

La lis blance de Arizona2008-06-11T20:10:08Z

Favorite Answer

I think that it would be best for you to cut her out of your life if possible. Try to see her less. Avoid contact with her, all feelings seem to lessen if you don't actually see the person for a stretch. You could just be polite in passing and leave your contact at that. Let the other things in your life take priority.

charlie glue2008-06-12T02:17:38Z

if you think that this relationship is going to be destructive then i think the best thing you can do is end it. it will save a lot of heartache in the long run. i know it will be hard but you'll be much happier. if this is just one arguement and the relationship is worth saving then just go and apologise for the things you said - im sure she's wanting to apologise too. all couples argue - i have a massive blow out with my bf probably once a month - it comes from living together for so long. without knowing what the fight was over i cant say for certain whether what was said is forgivable or not.


i think that this is could some time apart will do both of u good and after a little while then u should try to reconnect again


i think you should try and work it out if ya'll love each other.... don't let something ruin a good relationship... ya'll been together for four years... its best to work it out


apologize to her for the mean things you said . but tell her its all very upsetting , and you need a break for awhile . not see her for awhile .

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