UPS Delivery Question?

When I checked the delivery status of my package( Metal Gear Solid 4 Playstation 3 game), it has been Delivered and the Location of the delivery is: SD Door.

Does anyone know what SD Door stands for? Does it stand for Side Door? If anyone knows for sure and could tell me, it would be greatly appreciated.


No one will be at my house until Friday Evening, so I can't check to see if the package was actually delivered at the Side Door or not. I was just hoping that someone would know what SD Door stands for. I emailed UPS customer service, but I just have to wait for a response.


Favorite Answer

I got an email asking me if I knew the answer to this question.

I ordered my MGS4 from Circuit City and it says, "departed."

I think SD is Shipping and Delivery.

So it was shipped and delivered at your door. I think thats what it means.


this is a total guess but it makes sense to me. sd door cant mean side door...because then its Side Door Door...

i think it means Standard Delivery Door. sometimes with packages, people choose certain ways they want the package delivered. like if you had something of extreme value delivered to your house and you live in a bad neighborhood. maybe you would want ups to hold on to it then you would pick it up or something like that

Rae. B2008-06-12T19:15:27Z

I am not sure myself what
SD Door means. What I would
do if I were you. Contact the UPS office
in your area and speak to one of the
employees there. I hope I was able to help
Have a great day

Jessi2008-06-12T18:44:21Z you have a side door? Have you checked to see if the package is at the side door?