Question to ladies: what is the most dreadful to be dump by a husband/lover?
for a young girl / rich old woman or( PLS. hold tight )>>FOR A MAN ?? Men could answer too.
I won't mind if he dumps me for another woman ,but OMG! a man ????
The question is if husband or male a lover dumped wife or female lover for a man, how would you feel if you are that woman. Under line if a man change his wife/lover for a man ??
proudmommy thanks for using your reading eyeglasses,you got it right. hahahaha, this is not a joke this is from an asker here. Hmm, I better ask some gay guys what they have that I don;t have heh heh heh...
proud mommy2008-06-12T16:14:41Z
Favorite Answer
I'd rather he dump me for a man because that means there's nothing wrong with me he just wanted something else haha
For him to dump you for some whore he met on the internet that he's never even met in person! My idiot husband didn't leave me, but he cheated with this woman for 3+ years online and over the phone. How psychologically unbalanced is that? They were acting like kids who kept promising they wouldn't have any contact but kept lying about it, so the last time I caught the whore leaving voice mails at his work, I called both her and his parents and told them what they were doing. I couldn't get them to stop and I have a disabled child to take care of and didn't know if he was going to leave me for this bimbo or not, so I figured if they were acting like kids, they needed to be told on. It worked!
what kind of question is this? It is never any fun to get dumped at all. Not for anyone, be it a female or a male and it makes no never mind the age either.