WWE Vs TNA Fantasy Matches? WQ inside?

Robert Roode vs DH Smith-Scaffold Match

Natalie Neidhart Vs Beth Pheonix vs Awesome Kong Vs Gail Kim

Chris Jericho Vs James Storm-Ladder Match

Sting Vs The Undertaker-Last Writes Match

Edge Vs Christian-One Fall

Kane & Mick Foley Vs Abyss & a partner of your choosing.

Vince McMahon Vs Jim Cornette-Falls Count Anywhere

AJ Styles Vs Jeff Hardy

Samoa Joe Vs Randy Orton Vs Triple H Vs Kurt Angle-TLC Fatal Four Way WWE/TNA Title Unification Match

Please Star.


WQ: Will The Undertaker Return as a biker?

Koumidiator WRW VLR OS2008-06-14T05:20:37Z

Favorite Answer

Ok here we go...

1)Robert Roode vs DH Smith-Scaffold Match
Even if i haven't seen so many Robert Roode's matches and i can't have a complete opinion on him,i find him really powerfull,agile anc charismatic..DH Smith is in my opinion one of the best upcoming stars and if he does not get suspended again for taking steroids and violating the wellness policy..he has an amazing bright future along with Dibiase Jr. and Teddy Hart(but unfortunately he got fired again for being immature)..Between the two,i see DH Smith prevailing in the scaffold match and he will grab a huge momentum victory between the battle of future main eventers...

2)Natalie Neidhart Vs Beth Pheonix vs Awesome Kong Vs Gail Kim
No doubt about it,Awesome Kong has the size advantage..she is massive,huge and at some point unstoppable..she reminds me of Mark Henry in female division..and hell if she is gonna splash you..you are dead meat!Beth Phoenix has proved to be a bad@ss..really physical strength,reminds me of Chyna at some point(on wrestling ability wise)..she has a huge variety of awesome moves and i find her really entertaining!With her power and determination,she can overcome every opponent that will get in her way..even the one that listens to the name of Awesome Kong.Gail Kim is awesome,she has proved herself bith in WWE and TNA that she is gifted woman for wrestling..she has a good finisher..tough moves..she is agile and very quick..great combination for a wrestler but i don't think she will find a way to walk out as winner of the match...Nattie is upcoming,even though i would have prefered to see her as member of the Hart Foundation 2.0(didn't happen because of Teddy of course)..She is powerfull,she has showed a great amount of charisma and that will help her in the near future to establish herself to the business..so she won't have to make a playboy shoot to stay in the main events (cough ashley cough)!!From the 4,i choose Beth to win the match..because even though she might not have the most experience in that match..but in the combination of all factors(gimmick,skills,charisma,power e.t.c) she is better all around wrestler in that match..and she is in the top of her game right now even if she does not hold the womens championship anymore..(thanks to mickie james)

3)Chris Jericho Vs James Storm-Ladder Match
That would definetely be a blockbuster match!!Lance Storm is an ECW Originals,he had a great run especially at ECW and along with Justin Credible and Dawn Marie had an awesome stable..the Impact Players were the won several times the tag team gold with various entertaining matches!He has for real fantastic wrestling ability(what do you expect from a guy that was trained by Stu Hart)..with variety of suplexes and he had a great combination of technique and speed.He reminded of Benoit at some point of his career..From the other hand you have Y2J..what can you say about him??even if he is not in the best shape of his career these days..his history owns..awesome wrestler..great technical...he can make a match a classic and he was definetely underrated till some point of his career..One of the best technical wrestlers of all time in my opinion..and since the match is gonna be a ladder match..it will definetely kick @ss!!I will give the victory to Lance Storm as Dawn Marie will come to the ring distract Y2J..Credible will hit him with the singapore cane from behind and Storm will grab the belt while everyone will be boooing!!I do believe though that Y2J is better than Storm(but i gave him the ladder match victory)

4)Sting Vs The Undertaker-Last Writes Match
One of my dream matches..I am not a huge STing fan but i respect him so much because of his work ethic,his contribution to wrestling and because of his repeatitive rejections to join WWE back in the day..He has a very good wrestling ability..he became an Icon and his gimmick sell a lot.I like his Scropion Death Lock finisher and his Death drop too!He is one of the most inspirational wrestlers in history of wrestling!!Talking for inspirational wrestlers...you can't converstate without name The Phenom of the WWE...The Undertaker..he is my favorite wrestler of all time..because his gimmick simply owned..perharps the best gimmick ever..hsi wrestling ability is awesome..even if he is not the best ever..he is still executing new moves and he is willing to expand with moveset with the Triangle Choke..Gogoplata e.t.c!Plus,you can't easily find a 6ft10 guy to do a suicide dive over the top rope at the age of 43..he is simply amazing and legendary..the whole wwe shows are surrounded by his name and his wrestlemania streak speaks by itself...Thousand of accomplishments and good mic skills..when he was using them as the Big Evil!Between the two...it would be a blockbuster match up..but i will have to give the victory to The Undertaker...

5)Edge Vs Christian-One Fall
Hmmmm...real life best friends,kayfabe brothers...interesting!!Edge has proved that he has the charisma to be one of the best heels..he sells his heel gimmick very much..he has a heal heat and the something special that can make a whole arena hate him..i remember when he was at Montreal for a show..he was cheered up so much..until he said that "this is not Canada..only Toronto is the real Canada blah blah" he made the whole arena booo in 2 secs!!haha..great heel..but in my opinion i don't find the so special thing about his wrestling ability!!He is a decent-good wrestler but nowhere near other greats!!As for Cage,i do believe that he is a better all around wrestler than Edge..he has better moves and he sells them better..He is charismatic and the reason that he didn't succeed as a main eventer in the WWE,was because WWE pushed him the wrong way...they had better babyfaces..so he never recieved big reaction as a face..and most importantly..since the biggest period he was a heel..he never got pushed the right way as a heel..he was more like a cowardish funny heel..instead of a heel that is determined and has heat..but he succeed in TNA and im happy about it..awesome wrestler like i said..and between the two..in one fall match..i will give the victory to Christian Cage...!!

6)Kane & Mick Foley Vs Abyss & a partner of your choosing.
ok..let's make it..Kane & Mick Foley vs Abyss & Terry Funk..
Kane and Foley,i can see them working together good enough..they have done it before when Kane was masked kane as well!!Kane has a hell of a power..great physique..he is huge and he can get sadistic..i would love to see him with his old attire full mask back..way more intimidating than his current gimmick!!Foley...the guy is crazy..he might not have the best wrestling ability in the world..but he never disagreed to do a stunt..lots of guts..he has taken thousand of chair shots..lots of historic matches..(like the HIAC match at KOTR 1998 against Taker)!!i never liked the madible claw though especially when The Rock was overselling it!!Definetely a hardcore legend..he deserve that name...Abyss...he is a monster..he is powerfull and he is using lots of thumbtucks..so yeah..foley and abyss in the same match..we will get thousand ot tucks in the ring!!!I never liked him much to be honest,he is not special to me cause i have seen lots of better monsters than him,but he is good!!As for his partner Terry Funk..what can you say..the establisher of the hardcore wrestling..he is the teacher of Mick Foley..for sure the real hardcore legend..the one that has gave us so many classics at ECW..and the one that made people love hardcore wrestling!!Terry Funk deserves his own hall of fame and it pisses me off at times when people only crediting him for being a hardcore wrestler..For the record..Terry Funk is one of the best PURE wrestlers of all time as well..if anyone has seen his matches from NWA and other promotions..knows what im talking about..I will give the win to Kane and Mick Foley though..only because i considered them a better team overall..but the best in that match has to be Terry Funk...

7)Vince McMahon Vs Jim Cornette-Falls Count Anywhere
Vince McMahon...ehhh...an all around well reknown wrestling persona!!I like his gimmick to be honest..he keeps the fans in active..he had an epic rivalry with Stone Cold and i loved the segments from back in the day...he was never a chicken to get humiliated(either by DX when they shove his head into Big Show's @ss and numerous other times or by Stone Cold on thousand occasions) to get ratings..he was never a chicken toput his body on the line against his best wrestlers..like on Valentine's Day against Stone COld in a cage match..or against HBK at Wrestlemania 22 and a lot more..he has proved that he is tough!!From the other hand Cornette is a commentator,manager and blah blah..i don't think that he has any chances against Vince..unless if the entre TNA interfere for his favor..then the WWE will come out to help Vince..and they start a battle..wow 50 TNA and 50 WWE guys at the same time in the arena..that would be chaos!!but yeah Vince wins..!!

8)AJ Styles Vs Jeff Hardy
That would be an interesting match..I am not a Jeff Hardy fan...although at times he can be pretty entertaining..his wrestling ability is ok but nothing special..but he can offer a good amount of entertainment in a big match situation..plus he has some strong fanbase..i hate because he likes to screw over his chances to become a top star by getting suspended and stuff like that..He has done it so many times..and it's becoming unfair for him and of course his fans that supporting him from the beginning!!As for AJ Styles,my opinion is clear...he is one of the best wrestlers in the world today..he is absolutely phenomenal...he is a great high flyer..quick..agile..tough...charismatic.. he has lot of things that others need a lifetime to get!One of my favorite wrestlers at the moment and i hope i will see him on the TNA main events and holding a title some t


Robert Roode
Beth Pheonix
Chris Jericho
The Undertaker
Abyss & Tomko
Jim Cornette
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle

The Dragon2008-06-13T02:57:07Z

Robert Roode. I don't think Smith has been in as many gimmick matches, and Roode is the hungrier athlete. Roode wins.

Awesome Kong. Beth is really the only one that can match strength with Kong but she is much smaller. Unless all three can work together (which I very much doubt) Kong wins with an "Awesome Bomb" on Neidhart.

Chris Jericho. Storm is good but he has nowhere near the experience in Ladder Matches Jericho has. Good match-up, though.

The Undertaker. The Undertaker is nearly unbeatable in gimmick matches. Sting doesn't have THAT much experience in gimmick matches. This match is right up the Undertaker's alley. A fantasy match-up, to be sure. I think the Undertaker would win this particular match.

Christian. A favorite dream match of mine. Since breaking out on his own Christian has proven he is main event caliber, wrestling animals such as Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Christian keeps getting better; Edge has seen his better days. Christian is the better wrestler. Edge's strength advantage wouldn't help because Christian has been wrestling guys stronger than Edge. A great, hard-fought match. Christian wins with the "Frog Splash" (not the "Unprettier").

Abyss and his partner. Abyss needs somebody who can neutralize the big Red Monster so he can concentrate on Foley. So Abyss calls up the greatest brawler in wrestling history to be his partner. Bruiser Brody more than neutralizes Kane as they wind up brawling all over the building, leaving Abyss to go after Foley. A vicious brawl ensues with Abyss finally putting Foley away with the "Black Hole Slam".

Vince McMahon in an easy match. Cornette can out-talk and out-promo Vince, but not out-fight him.

AJ Styles. AJ would know to keep this one in the ring and on the mat as much as possible, where he has the advantage over Jeff. He can't out-quick or out-crazy Jeff, he'd have to out-wrestle him. AJ with the "Styles Clash" for the pin.

Samoa Joe. This type of match doesn't favor Angle or Orton. Angle can't brawl very well, and Orton doesn't have much experience in these types of matches. Triple H does. So does Joe. Neutral ground (no "writer's advantage"), Joe will out-brawl Triple H and take the gold.

WQ: I hope not. The American Badass is my least favorite Undertaker persona. If he assumes a different persona I see him going back to the original Undertaker from the early-90's.


Roode is very under-rated in TNA and gets this win with The Payoff finisher and then pushing Harry off the scaffold.

Gail Kim is the pick of the bunch here and her Air Raid Thesz Press gets the win over Nattie.

Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Taker, ties him to the steel structure and then raises it above the ring to win.

The battle of former tag partners and Christian wins a close match with a flying Crossbody and Cloverleaf.

Abyss and my choice, Naruki Doi from Dragon Gate get the win over Mick Foley with the Blackhole Slam and Doi Bosou cannonball splash.

Jim may rule with the mic,but Vince has his feuds experience to fall back on.He takes out Cornette with a Stunner on the entrance ramp.

Another close fought match with AJ getting the win with a Pelle and Spiral Tap.

Samoa Joe with a Death Valley Driver on Orton for the pinfall.

WQ~ No i can't see Taker coming back with the Bada.$$ biker gimmick as he's already used it before back in 2000.Taker will keep the current gimmick as it uses elements of all his previous characters.Chuck Palumbo already uses a variation of the biker gimmick on SD.

Save Us.Y2J2008-06-13T04:05:21Z

-Robert Roode
-Natalya or Awesome Kong
-Chris Jericho
-Christian Cage
-Kane & Mick Foley (Abyss' partner as Rhino)
-Vince McMahon
-AJ Styles
-My man, Samoa Joe

I really hope Undertaker does come back as the biker, he was so much cooler with that gimmick in 2000-2003.

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