Anybody have any opinions/knowledge of Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin?

Please be polite...

End The Fed!!!2008-06-13T06:25:04Z

Favorite Answer

I think he carries many of the great qualities Ron Paul has. I do believe he is a better speaker though. Which as you see with Obama; public speaking carries a lot of weight. Also, he whooped up on Alan Keyes by a landslide when bidding for the nomination.

Seems like a good guy. Anyone who pledges to run this country with the Constitution as their guide, gets my vote.

After all.....wasn't there some type of oath where the newly elected president swore to uphold......hmm. Well, it hasn't happened since the Bilderbergers have installed Bush and Clinton Inc. for the last 20 years.


I've never heard of Chuck. I have heard of the Constitution Party.


Well, he is probably the most similar to Ron Paul