i have a religion question i am not of any paticular faith but i believe in a higher power i have a friend?

talking to me about Islam and the Qua'ran (spelling?) i am white/american born native. all religous faith confuse me theres so many contradictions and when you ask questions about like time lines for example i ask when do the dinosaurs fit in the time line and the bible because we have fossils and bones that prove dinosaurs were here i get ignored. Islam makes alot of sense to me but is it really any more violent then any other religion? isnt it just that terrorists are like right wing extremeists of the faith and are going overboard? theres bloodshed in every religion. why do people put other religions down that they arent a part of? what if it doesnt matter HOW you worship in the end its the point that you all came to the same conclusion and that you just DID. we all have different names for God . maybe he came here and made the good book to the language/ethnicity you were born with so you would understand it? what do you think?


Favorite Answer

Thank you for asking an intelligent question.

First of all I would like to congratulate you that you are a thinking person and you are thinking about your faith and your existence. We have not been created for fun but for a meaningful purpose.

Secondly, I would like to clarify that any religion cannot be labelled violent just because of few terrorist claim to follow that religion. The total population of Muslims all over the world is 1.7 billion and out of this 1.7 billion, I think the terrorists must be only in hundreds or thousands. Islam is against terrorism and the people who are killing innocent people in the name of this noble religion cannot be Muslims. The huge number of people coming into the fold of islam in Europe and USA particularly and rest of world generally is a big proof that Islam is a true, noble and peaceful religion.

Thirdly, you should study all religions including Islam, ask questions to yourself and test answers with logic, you will certainly recognise the truth.

For more information about Islam, visit the following links.

Rallie Florencio C2008-06-13T14:06:52Z

You can believe in God without a particular religion to embrace.
The may tell you that being alone may not lead you anywhere because there is no guidance to learn about and no social interaction as far as faith learning is concern.
There is only One God and every Jewish, Muslim and Christian religion agree to that One particular dogma. It is not really your choice of religion that will matter but the kind of life you want to take on as your journey. I hate to say like "shopping around" but it might be better if you look at all available information in the internet, maybe you will find one that is fitted for your desired journey.
Dinosaur is not the help you need to decide. The word only came about the late 20th century but there words in the Bible that say Behemoth. Beasts and large animals. The Bible was written long many years ago when there is not even a dictionary yet to read. The Bible even wrote about a war tank that was described as a horse that spits fire through their mouth and tail.
If the words in the Bible will be translated to modern language that we use, would it not be suspected to more of a grand deception? Go and make more intelligent questions.


The time line is simple; first the heavens and earth were created 'in the beginning', then dinosaurs thrived and were killed suddenly, then Adam and Eve and all that were born of them have reached until now.

Bloodshed will increase as predicted by Jesus, 'wars and rumors of wars but the end of the age is not yet'.

You will probably be converted to Islam if you can't see the wheat for the tares. May i suggest that you get a Bible and find out what all this means.


I don't know who you've been talking to, but the dinosaurs fit in the Bible just fine and dandy. Carbon dating is inaccurate (and the radiometric dating is - they aren't even consistent when used to compare each other in secular science). There have been objects carbon dated that the date is KNOWN and the carbon date says like millions of years old. So the fossils you speak of aren't as old as you've been told. God created the dinosaurs when he created all the other animals. Dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. Do you think that all dinosaurs were gigantic - they weren't... the average is like that of a goat. As for the huge ones, Noah probably didn't take the oldest ones, he would have taken smaller, younger ones that could reproduce. ANYWAY...

There is one way to Heaven and that is Jesus Christ. Not because I say so, but because He said so. Jesus is the ONLY Savior of ANY religion that was resurrected after death and burial for three days. He is risen! He is the ONLY One that is living. So, no, just that we worship something doesn't cut it.

The Bible is Truth. There is no way to really get that through to people if they won't read it ALL and study it out.

Best of luck and Be Blessed!

Tim O2008-06-13T13:51:59Z

Many religions books state that the world was created a few thousand years ago. this was because these boos were written before the people of the time knew that dinosaures and other things existed many thousands, millions, and billions of years ago.

There is bloodshed in every religion, and every belief. Call the Japanese Samurai "Terrorists" or "Extremists", just because they believe strongly in their faith, so much that they are willing to fight for the death to see it spread. It's just the mindset of some of the believers, not the whole religion/belief.

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