Ladies: Can you spot a verbal and physical abusive man on first meeting ?


I can sense a man by the look in his eyes 99%. I am that kind of person who read people by the eyes.


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Never!, If one person states they do , I am totally shocked they can , and would love that ability to also have that eye. You see some men are so good with a woman , you never get to know there verbal or physical side of abuse unless you date them for a while or marry them etc. Its hard for me to spot any guy being that way . Interesting question , I think if we did honestly know how to spot one. Some women in the this world wouldn't be stalked , killed , and physically battered.
In my opinion , no one can spot a guy like that . Makes you think thou. Good question .


I think I dont have to say that none of these things are 'helpful' in a marriage/relationship but I think it will hurt way more if it is verbal cause that keeps in mind way longer and that finds the way to your soul. The bruises and all that go away after a few days, but you'll always remember the verbal things 'he' said.... But no question: both is real bad and you should never end up in a relationship like that!!!


No, there is a man at this place that i usually go to. Very nice man. Well i just heard that he beats on his wife when hes drunk (beautiful, nice wife). SO some girls that say they can tell are just thinking they know everything because there is no way u can. Men and women who beat on there spouse or children are everywhere, maybe your next door neighboor, maybe your teacher, boss, Maybe me on the other side of this computer U just never know. So i hope if you know someone in that situation u report them or try to help.


I think it would be very diffulcult to notice it the first meeting but one cue you could look for is to see how posessive he is about his things, friends, etc. because they could be you one day. You could also look for a temper problem, like does he get heated over simple things. You could also see how he talks about other girls and if he treats them with respect or if he talks about them behind there back.


Yes, the girls will all be able to tell you're an abusive guy just from looking at you. Just accept that you'll have to live without girls for the rest of your life :-)

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