*Eventing Queen*
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Flicka (my old pony) would open the bin lid for the dog food and knock the hole bin over so the dogs could eat.
Frank (my pony who recently died) if you left the front door open and he was grazing the drive he would walk inside and walk down the hall into my bedroom and lay down.
I taught my mare Molly to pick up buckets and now she decided that when I wash her its quite fun to empty the soapy water all over me when I'm not looking.
Molly also turns on the outside shower with out any trouble!!!
We have strange ponies...
Flicka was Molly's Mother.
The Captain
Well, mine has nothing to do with a horse, but rather a donkey. I purchased a little pasture mate donkey for my favorite horse after his pasture mate died. And since they are housed in the pasture RIGHT by my house, and because he wants the world to know he's still intact the little donkey will come to the master bedroom window and at all hours of the night start breying and keep going(He's gone an upwards of 3-4 minutes on one try) he'll do this until you come to the window or the door tell him to shut up and then he'll walk away. Then when you lay back down in bed and get comfortable, he'll go again.
I think it's time to seriously consider moving pastures.
The strangest thing I saw my horse do was kick the wall for hours on end. We took my other horse out to be trailered to a lesson and we locked the other in her stall. The horse locked in her stall put her forehead flat up against the wall and started kicking with only her right front leg. I don't know what was wrong with her but she did it for two hours strait! She's fine now but I wonder what had gotten into her.
This is probably not the strangest, but I still think it's pretty funny when he does it. I love when my horse scratches his ear with his back hoof like a dog. ^_^ lol
Another silly thing I've seen- One of the barn cats took a ride on my friends Appy. He just jumped up there from the fence and stayed on her horse while he walked around the pasture.
It was actually my dad's horse. We went out to the pasture, and she was asleep in the shed. She was full out down all the way on her side, with her front hooves curled in like a cat (which was quite an achievement for her being a draft). Her back legs were twitching slightly, as were her lips and ears. I guess she was dreaming. Twice, two other horses snorted and she jumped about a foot in the air both times, but never woke up. Pretty funny to watch.