Should all my chicks be in the same box?

All this is new to me...I have 13 4-week old chickens. They have outgrown their box so I separated them into 2 separate boxes to give them more room. Will they still get along when I get something bigger and put them back together again?

When I clean out the boxes I randomly re-separate them.


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Yes, they should all still get along when brought back together. They will outgrow those boxes before they're all grown up anyways. Chickens tend to get along fine no matter how familiar they are with each other with the exception of roosters.

Roosters have to establish dominance with each other... which may include some fighting. Most people opt to have no more than 1 or 2 roosters.. That's what I would recommend as well! Believe me... I've been flogged by'em.


Hey girl do you have a place for them to go after the box? I put my babies in their coop/run as soon as they started getting feathers and the weather warmed up. They started pecking each other from lack of space. Some chickens will be bullies no matter what you do but once they integrate as a clutch they should be OK. What kind are they? Are they under a light? I love my gals, they are so funny.


I have had up to 16 chickens at one time, all different breeds, all female. I would suggest keeping them all together, this will let them adjust to each other, and help in discouraging pecking. The only time our chickens ever did not get along is when we had older chickens and introduced younger ones. If they are all around the same age put them all together and they will get along great, especially if they grow up together!


You can it`s OK but fewer per box is better If there are too many you might get some of them pecking the anus of the other birds, then that spreads. What you really need is a proper wired chiken run.
You have bought yourself a lot of trouble i do believe, but good luck we need people like yourself to have a go and then succeed. Good luck, in raising them.


Yeah that's fine...They'll be a OK eventually more then likely you'll spereate the cockerels from the hens anyway... to prevent fighting when they are around 7-10 weeks..