Has reading anothers' opinion here ever changed your position on an equine issue? NH? Bits? The "s" word?

There are so many of the same questions over and over and over again, the same answers over and over again. New users don't search the archives (not faulting them, I don't either...) so we sometimes seem to have the same conversations over and again. Not saying we need a solution or that it's a big problem, just curious about whether the debates we have over hot topics ever sway anyone one way or another.


The "s" word = slaughter. Every time anyone says slaughter, the flames come out on both sides.


Bunny...can you email a pic of the "tom thumb" bit you're talking about to the group. That's been a point of education for me...I was raised around horses with the notion that what we called a tom thumb was a mild bit...turns out, after a heated discussion with somebody, we were using the same term for two very different bits.


Favorite Answer

naw my opions are pretty rock solid on thinks. I mean thats why they are my opions. I don't have to ahve the same as everyone else thats the beauty of free thinking and free will. i will admit there is 1 issue that I was swayed on ann am now a supporter of and that is horse slaughter. I used to be totaly appaled at the idea of it and was against it 1005 and then some. But then I started working with my local rescue group and talking to some of the pro slaughter folks on here and realized that the reason we were seeing such an increas ein mistreated horses was b/c the slaughter houses closed. Now i will admit the way they slaughter them coud use a bit of work to make it a wee bit more humane. But other than that nope my opions are just that, mine:)

the s word... do you mean stupid people hehehehehhe

Gawd just noticed my spelling was horrid... got to typing to fast again... not gonna bother to fix it just apologize soooooooo sorry i can't spell when i type fast and im too lazy to do spell check hahahahahah


yeahh, I actually do like the name a lot, it's very unique! everyone thought it would be Reset or something so it was kinda unexpected. 1. I LOVE their new hairr, especially Tom's! I think it looks great on them (: and I agree only their appearance has changed a bit but their personalities are still the samee <3 2. I'm loving the music from what I heard from the leaked songs. The songs sound pretty cool! and I agree with you again. I mean I think it's great that they're trying something new. 3. I really don't know what to say to that... if they're actually doing that to make Chantelle more ''famous'' then of course I think that's horrible. It took many years of TH to get to where they are by working really hard for their success and I think everyone else should work hard for it too. 4. again, I love the name. 5. a lot of people don't like but I think they look quite sexyy in the pictures ;) Lol 6. yeah... I think that's wrong, TH should be the ones that tell their fans what they want about their personal lives not other people. yeahh, some people are being a little to harsh =/ I don't get when people say "WE WANT THE OLD TH BACK!" 'cause seriously they're the samee people! what's changed their hair.... they probably just wanted a little change. I mean, we should just support their decisions and changes. at the end it's their personalities that count <3 (: ohh and I think Gustav looks really good with his glasses!! :D haha


Hmmm....I have to ponder this question.

I cannot say the answer, or opinion of any one person has ever changed my way of thinking about horses (at least here on Yahoo Q&A).

But over the years, my opinon on horses HAS indeed changed. Thoughts/opnions I now have as an adult person, I would NEVER have had as a teenager. My thoughts and opinions have changed due to things I've read in the new, magazines, or books, sometimes articles on the internet.

Like horse slaughter. As a teenager, I would NEVER in a million years have agreed with the idea. As an adult, I'm able to see the bigger picture, and the reasons why we still need it. Doesn't mean I think it's right, or that it would ever happen to one of my "babies," I'm just able to have a better understanding of the reasons it's needed.

I assume at some point, I'll run accross a thoughtful, and well written horse question, or answer in Yahoo, which will give me more insight, and may change my views, or opinions. If that happens, it's probably going to be something written by an adult, with years of horse experience under their belt.

Or it could just be some bit of simple, but complete brilliance that someone posts, that I read and go, "DUH! Why didn't I think of that YEARS ago!"

Non-horse example:

I belong to a group an a certain exotic pet. South America's version of the raccoon (not naming the animal, because I don't want people thinking they are cute, or good pets).

Everyone on the group agrees while this critter is very sweet, they can be very hard to get loaded into crates, for travel, or sleeping time. If this critter doesn't want to go in, they can leave nasty bites on their owner. Everyone was posting with different food bribes that only worked sometimes. Everyone on the group agrees that this critter is extremely attracted by new, or unsual smells.

One lady posted she spritzes a bit of perfume in the back of the crate, and her critter goes in every single time to investigate the smell. Simple, and brilliant. The other owners posted it was a miracle and worked like a charm.

So while you might have sworn by marshmellows, eggs, fig newtons, and such for years to get your critter to load for years, it might be changed in the blink of an eye, to perfume, because "it works every time."

Same with horses. People can come up with new and brilliant ideas that completely change how you do something, or think about something.

Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years
Horse owner over 30 years

Broken zipper2008-06-20T11:35:35Z

I am not swayed by others opinions unless there is proof that my own opinion is in the wrong! I am not a person that enjoys debates so those topics I stay out of.

When I don't understand something I ask. If someone tells me one thing and someone else says different, I research it and come to my own conclusions.
Like for instance..the Tom Thumb bit. Research has led me to believe that it's a horrid bit regardless of what other people on here believe. I have experience trying to use it on a greenie and it was a disaster. I've seen some horses ok with it..but others are blowing up. Research showed me why so I don't like them. BB uses one and she does fine by it...no biggie. It works for her. Not me. I'm not gonna hunt her down and noodle whip her for not believing in my opinion!
Many vets and research are more prone to agree on worming every 6-8 weeks so that is what I am sticking with. The majority rules.

I want to learn. If I am doing something or have a belief that is truly wrong and there is proof that I am in the wrong...boy I wanna know! Enlighten me !

Some people say that natural horsemanship is a farce. They are judging this just on watching Parelli. They are preaching that NH is just letting your horse have his own way. They closed their minds and quit learning.

To me there is more than one way to teach and train and learn. Taking everyone's input and putting it to use in my program has helped in many situations.

Hmmm...forgot what the question was. I ramble too much :)

OH..in a nutshell...
I just stay away from debates. Some people are dead set in their opinion and ready to call everyone else idjits and go off on a tantrum...being mean and nasty.
I don't like that. So..I stick to easy stuff or helpful items. :)


You know I wonder the same thing! One reason I posted the geld question. Maybe to help..... & I don't mind the questions asking about slaughter if they truly learn the pros & cons. I don't like the ones "Slaughter is awful & no animal should die". In a perfect world..... I know there are 2 that I can think of(not names) that have said they thought slaughter was awful intell they read some of our posts. Which to me is great! & On some subjects I think we have to debate often, but learn from them. I sure have learned a lot on here!!!! & I sure hope someone hs learned something from me. Yeah, I don't check the archives either.... LOL Good Question CNS!!!!

Great point Bobbi~~~~ I think we all know I've got a mouth.... I have made a comment & it was alllll wrong. Because I didn't read it correctly. I hate when I do that to the poor posters...... *shakes head*

B.B.~~ Yep I'm one Tom Thumb hater!!! Only because these kids think its a good bit! Or they think it is a good bit for a green horse just out of a snaffle. It is for experanced hands!! It is a hard bit for a lot of horses that have a kid jerking on their mouth. & When I hear the bit I picture some kids hands up to their neck pulling as hard as they can, the horses mouth open because the bit is jabbing the roof of the moth....... Thats what flashes to me..... Now when I hear you or someone I think is older then I don't shiver at the name. & I know all bits can be bad but that one gets me.....

BlueSB~~~ Me & you both!!! I am full Aries too!! & I sure act Aries! LOL With my big mouth, brassh, stobborn!!! I knew I like ya for a reason!! LOL LOL The 13th??? Mine the 12th!!

BSB~~ So your Bday falls on Friday the 13th. I have thought that, as a kid, that would be great! LOL or 4-20....... LOL

Noodle whip!!! LOL LOL LOL

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