Questions posted in Trinidad and Tobago Sections?

Ok, so i went macoing nah, and i tried all the other T&T sections, surprisingly the Canada section has most of the question that we have however the best answerer is "TriniGirl" with 32 answers, lol and ashti is second with 17...goooooooo ashti!!!

and the top answerer for Agrentina has 1 best answer. WOW!!! no questions there though

Places like Australia and NZ dont have a top answerer, but like canada dey also have most of the questions that we do.

ok i give up, how do they determine which questions get posted in which T&T section?


Don, go to the bottom of the page, to Y! International, click on any of the different areas and go to the Answers section, then T&T and you would see what we mean.


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lol i lost too
Oho I now realise, no matter what section you go to, your contacts questions will show up there. So if you go to the Canada section, it go have de Yahoo! Canada user's questions, and your contact's questions. If you go to de Argentina section, the Yahoo! Argentina user's questions go show up, and your contacts questions will also show up.


Say what? Think dey make ah mistake yes.


I dunno if Yahoo have any rhyme or reason to it nuh. Look how long our resolved question stay up on the answer board before they get moved. I not even trying to figure it out...meh brain scrambled enough as it is!


How do you find these sections. I'm also lost.


i equally as lost as u!!!
i mehself went maccoing, lol..

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