Why is my dog doing this?

I have a five month old mini-dachshund. He started sneezing a little less than a week ago. He doesn't do it non stop or anything but it happens several times every day. I can't think of anything that we have changed in our house that would make him start doing this out of the blue. He is eating and playing normally. He doesn't act like he feels bad at all. He just sneezes every now and then. Any ideas on what could be causing this?


Favorite Answer

Do you use carpet freshener powder? That can cause many respiratory problems, and skin problems too.


Dogs typically just sneeze pretty often. They have very sensative noses and so sneeze easier as well. It's possible that he has allergies or may possibly have something like kennel cough. Kennel cough is basically the equivilent of a common cold in humans. Not a big deal at all. My dog got it once and she acted like she felt fine. She just sneezed alot and occasionally started coughing. I would suggest taking him to the vet just in case. But it's probably nothing.


I had a samoyed collie cross that sneezed when he was excited. He loved children and whenever he saw a baby he would sneeze.


It's normal my puppy sneezes all the time no need to worry.


Possible allergies or a fox tail or other weed up his nose. Take him to the vet to get this checked to prevent an infection.

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