Homonyms without common letters?

Can you provide me with two words that sound alike, but have no letter in common? "We" and "oui" are close, but I am looking for two common words in English.

Now that you have come up with one homonym pair with no letters in common, can you come up with a second pair?


What amuses me about this question is that the answers are in the problem statement.


Favorite Answer

you ewe


Common Homonyms

Pearl of Wisdom2008-06-21T19:56:54Z

Hmmm... pairs of common words in English that sound alike, but have no letter in common?...

1) eye, I

2) you, ewe

Edit: Oops, I must have been composing that while "mom" above already posted her answer. And I can't think of any more... Thanks for the interesting question!