Something that has me wondering?

I have been coming here reading questions and answers for a few months now. It is entertaining and that is for sure. Almost half of the questions aren't about motorcycles in the sense of learning something, but are about how FAST a certain bike is. How much POWER one has and how to do a WHEELIE on one. Are these people for real? Do they have any idea HOW to ride or are they just in here trying to look cool? The speed of the bike should be a secondary factor. It can be the fastest bike on two wheels but if you can't control it you are gonna bust your A$$! MPG? I think that is logical although almost any bike should get better than 40. Proper gear and size? That is probably the least asked question and the MOST needed answer. Why do certain ones pick on Harley riders and certain Harley riders pick on Jap bikes? We all ride for a reason. I do it because I enjoy it and I see things I never saw in a car. I also get to meet new people because they just want to be close to the bike.


Favorite Answer

I used to come to try to help some of the folks asking legitimate questions. More than enough you get a lot of fools and children on here asking bogus questions.
I also presented a question similar to yours about a year ago.
Now I check in on occasion and weed through the BS and answer some questions.
The Harley rider thing....that will go one forever. I used to ride with a few large groups, then just one for years and it gets old fast. I still wave to all riders regardless of what brand or type of bike they ride.
I've become a lone rider of more group riding, poker runs, parades or whatever. I've broken away from all of that crap to truly become a free spirit.


1. Not everyone who posts questions has a bike, but a lot of younger males are interested in them and the most interesting thing to them is HOW FAST THEY GO.

2. A lot of people are being intoduced to the world of motorcycles by oil prices. They are complete novices and need advice to suit them.

3. Harleys vs the rest is an old rivalry that will never die: as long as people keep it friendly I don't have a problem with it. I suspect the anti Harley troll was banned anyway.

4. The only thing I have a problem with is people recommending supersports bikes to beginners: where's your head at?


Of course lots of teeny boppers asking dumb questions. What I hate is when someone asks a question and gets some great answers but chooses the 'wrong' answer that fits his preconceived wrong opinion that he just wanted confirmed.

I didn't come here to get into a war with Harley Guy, ignorant Harley Guy posts were here when I arrived and it's just too tempting not to take potshots at the glass house of Harley after hearing the typical ignorant remarks a few too many times.


Since I started reading this site, I have said it is the best comic strip I have ever seen. There are some very good questions, of which I try to give a good, honest answer, as do several others. I really hate it when a chap has an honest question, and some goon gives a false or smart answer. The stupid questions, just laugh at them and go on.



It is like a small noise in the back ground not worth paying attention. I do not care who does wheelies and power has nothing to do with doing a wheelie. I ride for the same reasons you I enjoy it.

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