What do you think about this "Jesus Chalk" story?


I don't know if the story is true or not, but it's a good message, right?

What do you think?


I said I am aware that it most likely isn't true.

I just thought it was a good symbolic message. Sheesh.


Whoa Tulsa - how am I crappy with my answers??

I always defend God in anything that I answer on here!

Give me one example, please, as to when I have acted like "Satan's spawn".


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i don't look at it as a story of god or religion, but the overall ability to fight for your right.
the christian guy who stood up was cool enough,
he did not need that chalk to stay intact


Ok, the whole "then shared Jesus for the next half hour" kind of ends the possibility of reality of the event...

Basically the start of it sounds like a spin off of an old worn out "atheist professor" non-joke that's been around a while...that's meant to demonize non believers in the sense that this video does and a lame score-one for some "brave" believer that stood up to the horrible sub-human atheist character. Of which, that type of storyline, I'm not impressed.


no, it isn't a good message....it make legitimate professors look like **** holes and makes a college education look like a forced nonbelief system.....further, it didn't happen....neither the chalk, nor the professor saying any of those things...as he would have been fired long before.
The Jesus-Chalk Hoax has been floating around the Internet since about the Autumn of 1998, but the lie itself dates back to the 1930s. The sad part about hoaxes of this nature is that it discredits the institution of learning by portraying a professor as acting in a dispicable manner. None of the professors I have known (or teachers, for that matter) would resort to this behavior -- nor would they need to. Most realize that raising questions is the best way to instill philosophical learning. USC itself has publicly denounced it.


i read the story but not get it correctly. i think the professor in the story was confused between god and jesus.

stoopid munkee2008-06-25T21:43:47Z

Cute story. I've heard and seen enough in my life to leave room for it to be true. If not I've had personal experiences just as profound.

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