What would y ou call a woman like this?

I went to the bar thge other day.
Saw a woman across the bar. Really giving me hot looks. I buy her a drink and go over to her. Strike up a conversation.
She sat there drinking Bud Ice and jaggermeister shots like they are free..Oh wait..I was buying them for her so they were free for her.

After she has had enough to drink she informs me her gf is sitting next to her and she doesnt have sex with men.

WOuld you call someone who drinks up a man's pay, leading you on without telling you she is a lesbian a b*tch?

Fossilcreek s2008-06-26T06:01:55Z

a ******?

Dont worry about it man. Live and learn. Girls do that all the time. Plus dont pick chicks up in bars man. Unless u want a std. Best way to find some chicks man. Is to go to day events. This is going to sound weird. But man church is where its at. But dont go and pretend to be all godly caus that just aint cool.


No, sounds like a smart woman to get drinks for the night for free.
Also......is it her thats got the problem or you because you were so 'hip happy' to buy them for her.
Maybe next time, buy ONE drink and then find out if she is even into you BEFORE you buy her anymore. DUH!!!!!!!
Also, what the he** kinda job do you have to let a girl drink up your pay in one night?????? lol
Maybe, get another job....THEN go back to the meat market.


Well one thing's for sure. She played you good!
A lot of girls do this whatever their orientation. They can easily get a guy to get them drinks and then in the end also be like " got to go. i have to wake up early". hahahahaha


I believe the term is user/freeloader.

Be glad she has a gf. Imagine if she did shack up with you, she'd probably suck you dry (of money, not in a good way! lol), so I'd consider it a lucky escape.

Brian H2008-06-26T06:03:29Z

I'd say she's a Smoothe Mover and she was quick to spot You the Oogling Sucker. Live and learn and maybe dont drink so much!

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