what to wear to a beach that has cold weather?

i went there about two years ago and i was cold the whole time cuz i thought it was going to be beach weather! but i was thinkin jeans and light long sleeve shirt and tank tops for just in case. and the swim suit. =]


we'll be staying in a trailer in Glamis, pretty close to the shorline


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That sounds good
Have a couple of tank tops
long sleeve shirts
short sleeve ts
a light sweater to wear over tanktop
and the swimsuit
mix and match

You sound ready


I would skip the jeans and go with long wrap skirts. You get coverage against the cold but don't lose the beach feel of your look. I use a shawl as a cover up with your tank tops for the same reason. If you're wearing sweaters and jeans you might have well as gone camping in the mountains. ^_^


Sweatshirt and jeans. Maybe a jacket. Dress like it's going to be fall. I would do long sleeves and maybe layers to a degree that way if it warms up then you can remove a layer.

pants, shirts with sleeves, jacket, comfortable shoes, socks, etc.


I wouldnt wear jeans
I would wear shorts
and a short sleeve shirt
Bring a sweatshirt too


i would wear jeans(if it gets hot u can role them up), a long/middle sleeved shirt with a cute sweater(u can take it off if it gets hot) and then a bathing suit incase u wanna go swimmin

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