Infected ear.. ?

I got it pierced about a week ago and I'm pretty sure it's infected. I know about rubbing alcohol and having clean hands and such, but does anyone have any extra tips?

Also, I have a pool and swim a lot. Is the chlorine helpful or harmful? Should I tone down the swimming?


Favorite Answer

Don't use alcohol. It will kill the bacteria, but it also kills your own exposed cells, which keeps you from fighting the infection and regenerating skin. Best to just leave it alone aside from washing it with mild soap when you take a shower. The pool probably isn't helping matters any.

Edmond Dantes2008-06-26T15:18:01Z

No Chlorine is in this case more harmful - but since the ear is infected do you got already white blood if so I would recoomend to buy Betaisadona in the pharmacy


Try using the ear-care antiseptic that they give you when you get your ears pierced. Soak a cotton ball in it and use it to gently clean your earring and your earlobe. Swimming is probably not a good idea. Clean it after you shower and after swimming. Be careful and good luck!!


The pool is OK. There are some sideffects that could close your ear. But try putting a heating pad under your ear wile laying down. It helped me!

Olivia Renae2008-06-26T17:57:18Z


Mix vinegar and rubbing alcohol,then rub it in your ear.

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