What water temperature do you shower in? Freezing, Cold, Medium, Hot, or Burning??

I do medium then change it to hot then change it to cold lol


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Medium =]


I always take showers, and it usually depends on the temperature it is that day.. like in the winter if it's really cold I'd usually take a warm shower, and towards the end of the shower cool/cold water (I find it helps keep me and my hair feeling clean longer if I use cold water at the end of showering/washing my hair). And it it is hot out, then I'll usually take a cool shower (sometimes warm if I'm not that hot) with cold water at the end. And I don't think cold/cool water damages your hair.. when I go to the hairdresser's they usually tell me my hair is in great condition with no split ends or anything..


i start of with medium hot then go to medium cold


Medium. Then I chance it to cold at the end. It makes me feel good.

cowok insyaf2008-06-26T16:49:01Z


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