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It wasn't a 9-0 ruling. It was 5-4. America better wake up. It is estimated that the next President will get to appoint two judges, Obama and a Democrat controlled Congress will sit two liberal left judges that will overturn this decision in a heartbeat.
The Supreme Court is there to interpet and uphold the Constitution.
I don't understand how DC had a gun law that prohibited law abiding AMERICANS from owning a gun. DC is part of the US last time I looked, so the Constitution applies to them too!
What I don't understand is how any of the justices voted against the second amendment.
They're not liberal. The court leans 5-4 loosely conservative, depending on the issue. I consider myself liberal in nature but I agree with their decision and I think it was the right thing to do.
2nd Amendment trumps State/County/District/City law, including the District of Columbia. Gun control and gun banning are two separate things, the D.C. law went too far to be considered Constitutional. Amazing it was even a 5-4 decision, and how the law was in place for so long!
I just hope the crime rate in D.C. doesn't increase because of this.
\\ Golgothor.
The Supreme court struck down the DC gunlaw because
1- It was unconstitutional
2- The high crime rate in DC is largely caused because the Crooks understand that the Law abiding citizen is defenseless
3- The Court is not Liberal thank God
4-Guns don't kill people, people kill people
Doesn't anyone see the underlying racism inherent in inner city anti gun laws? Rich white people in the 'burbs can own guns, but people who have more need (inner city residents, mostly minority) are not allowed to own appropriate weapons for self defense. Jesse and Al should be screaming about this true injustice. Can anyone guess why they are not?