Chinese Quotes about wasting food.?

Is there one that involves white or the terms for east and west?


I have no idea what you are talking about Srib.


Thanks, North Korean Woman, but the two first words were 白 and the last two were east and west. Hao or good was in there as well. I wish I knew what it meant.


Favorite Answer

I don't quite understand the question in the first place. Chinese is not hobby to waste food. Even we may treat guest with lots of food with many left-over, but the left-over food were not throw away, but it will become the lunch/dinner after the guest left. Some Chinese don't even throw away bones from finished meat. In some case, it will use for soup. In some case, it will use for feeding dogs.

Most of the Chinese learns the word "Every drop of rice were raised by the hard work of the farmer, so we shouldn't waste them even a tiny bit".

Of course, not all Chinese keeping the Chinese tradition nowadays.


I agree with you.
China's traditon of well treating Guest with the lavish feast should be changed. One person one dish. Especially to Anglo-Saxons,---they have tradition accusing China's tradtion as wasting food.




I tried to find something, but couldn't.