Whose side are you on?

(from the Twilight series thing)
Jacob or Edward? Everyone i think is mainly for Edward but i love Jacob more, maybe cuz i feel bad for him or just cuz he's a werewolf?


Favorite Answer

Team Jacob!! I mean, yippee skippy for being Mr. Perfect, Edward, and I understand the appeal in that, because who doesn't want the perfect guy? But I like Jacob more, because he's the most realistic. People may say he's immature because of the stunts he pulled in Eclipse, but you have to sit back and think - he probably reacted the way a 16 year old boy in love with a girl would act. Remember, Edward's almost one hundred years old. He can deal, whereas Jacob can't.

So I'm all for the werewolf. :)


Team Jacob! The fact that he's a werewolf makes him even hotter. But I love Edward too.

Nikko Zoom2008-06-30T15:46:16Z

I will always be Team Edward. I feel in love with him so much from Twilight, Jacob could never be better then him in my opinion :)




EDWARD hes soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Jacob!!!!!! he cares and loves Bella more than Jacob ever could

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