Will a USB keyboard help with a laptop?

A while ago I spilled water on my laptop keyboard, and I had the keyboard replaced at Best Buy. It worked fine for a while, but recently I started having problems with it again. The arrow keys scroll on their own and the cursor moves around making it impossible and VERY annoying to type (or do anything). And no, I didn't spill anything else on it. I took it back to them, but they told me they couldn't do anything after 30 days. (They're idiots.) Anyway, I just wanted to know if there was a way to disable the keyboard and/or use a USB keyboard temporarily while I try to get myself out of this dilemma. Any help with this would be great. Thanks!

Aakash C2008-07-01T10:55:53Z

Favorite Answer

Yes thats a great idea !


Yes. since you spilled water, there is a now a tiggered catch. you have to get the Laptop keyboard turned off and must always use the USB Keyboard to access stuff that requires keys.


You can plug in a USB keyboard and it will work fine. No need to disable anything (you can disable it in Device Manager if you wish)

BTW, that is pretty bad for Best Buy. I have met some Geek Squad members who no nothing about computers (at least compared to what I know for not working there).


You connect Bluetooth and USB keyboards to a PS3. It have have been given to be bluetooth or USB. you additionally can use the keypad accessory Sony sells, which clips on on your controller and additionally serves as a trackpad. As for the Xbox 360, you need to use USB keyboards or a keypad that connects on your controller.


Laptop keyboards are small insize but something expensive.
You can use logitech keyboards.