Pro Life Conservatives, Please Answer These Tough Questions?

- If some little 11 or 12 year old girl is brutally raped by her
vile and disgusting you beleive the US Government
should step in and FORCE that little girl to carry her baby
to term and involuntarily be a mother of an inbred baby? And
then be forced with crushing decision to raise the inbred
baby as an 11 year old have the government take
the baby away from her to give away to somebody else?

- If prenatal testing shows a baby has some heinous excrutiating terminal pediatric disease or disfigurement like Harlequin Syndrome (, or other diseases that ensure a brief life of a few years spent in agonizing writhing misery...should the Government step in and force the baby out so the baby can writhe and the family can agonize?!?!

- If a mother has a condition virtually ensuring her death by childbirth, should the government step in to force the mom to die?

You all ignore HARD cases, huh?


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I am the first to say that I hate abortion, and believe that the fetus has life. I don't believe that anyone has the right to end a life. For this reason, I am also against the death penalty.

That being said, while I am pro-life, and hate abortion, I do not necessarily think it ever a black and white issue.

If abortion were made illegal, people would obtain them illegal, and unsafely, as they did prior to Roe v Wade. This results in the death of the woman carrying the fetus, or scarring, infection, infertility, or other medical issues. Of course it is not best to deny abortions in extreme cases.

The country does need to do a much better job of preventing unwanted pregnancies, so abortion is less utilized. There should be very strong limits on the point at which an abortion should not be performed. If we are going to allow abortions, it is ridiculous not to get the medical benefits from the stem cells made available as a byproduct. Saying using the fetal stem cells is wrong even though abortion is legal, would be like outlawing organ donation.

Practically, most women have the choice of whether or not they prevent pregnancy. over 1.3 million abortions are performed in the US per year. That would make aborted fetuses the 7th largest city in the US by population. 80% of the women who have abortions are over 20 years old. This indicates it is not ignorant teen pregnancies.

Looking at the most recent medical statistics, 0.3% are for rape or incest, approximately 1% are for maternal life or health, and 0.5 percent are for fetal abnormalities. Given these percentages approximately 23,400 of the 1.3 million are for the "hard cases" you query about. 98% of all abortions in the US are for socioeconomic reasons.

Even if we say the statistical estimates are low and multiply by 5 it would only account for 125,000 abortions per year, not the rest.

Finally, why is delivering a baby significantly more emotionally traumatic than being "brutally raped by her
vile and disgusting father" or the psychological trauma many young women feel about the death of the fetus regardless of the reason for the abortion. The 11 or 12 year old will need psychological counseling regardless.


-Firstly, there is no denying that the 11 or 12 year old girl isn't a victim of a horrible and injustice and atrocity. But ask yourself, what makes rape wrong: an innocent human being is violated, what makes abortion wrong: an innocent human being is killed. The unborn shouldn't be looked upon as scapegoats by society, the way they were brought up is not their fault and should never be their burden to bear. Now, it's unfortunate that the little girl is in a tough situation, but why should she deny her child the right to live? She could have the child within months and then find a responsible family to care for he or she.

-Each life is precious, you're precious, I'm precious, we were all created in the glorious image of our creator. Just because someone is sick or frail we somehow can't help but see them as less valuable, but we shouldn't. If someone is born with a disease, they shouldn't be killed only for that reason, the family should be selfless enough to care for their child and if they can't afford to do so, you'd be surprised how many wonderful people there are who would be willing to adopt a severely sick child.

-In the case of a medical emergency we must remember that we can't put the woman's life above the baby's, but neither can we put the baby's life above the woman's. So in this incident, the doctors' must do everything they can to try to save both lives.

See, we pro-life conservatives have looked at these issues.


This is tough when a person is against abortion, as our government is more lenient towards the rapist than the victims, causing this problem to only escalate, and find no end. However, god brings every person into this world for a reason, as you might know thousands of sperm travel to finally make way to womb, most don't make it but one, even a if it is a sick one, why???? The child should be brought to term delivered, and if the mother chooses, given up for adoption, no one but god has the right to take a life. Maybe their is a reason for the child to be brought to such family , as god works in mysterious ways, even if the child is severely sick.last, tough to ans, as mother deserves to live, but so does the child, and i think the law is, if the mother is in danger, the baby dies, but why should a new baby die, and if the mother knows of her circumstances before hand, then why was she not more cautious in preventing a birth to have to make her choose, or family???


Given some of these situations you would have to weigh the good and the bad of each, and very few people would want to deny physicians the option of doing medically necessary abortions.

US_DR_JD advised my wife and I when she was pregnant at an advanced maternal age. When we said we didn't want an amniocentesis, because we didn't want to consider an abortion, he advised us to have one so the physicians could be prepared if anything was required if anything was found. It also gave us the option. In the meantime we worked with many kids and young adults who had once been fetal abnormalities. Many were very happy and many were high functioning. I don't think any if asked would have chosen for their mother's to abort them. I don't guess if a child was born after an incestuous rape and was adopted by loving parents he/she would wish they they had been aborted. That of course leaves us with the life of the mother. That really knocks the number of abortions down to something only done on physician's advice.


watwilli: Your god did not impregnate the 11 year old girl; that was done by an evildoer. Abortion is the good act that undoes the evil. You will figure that out when your 11 year old daughter is the victim.

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